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Fede Ponce受邀演讲中国自动驾驶汽车国际峰会

我们很荣幸的邀请到了尼桑先进技术及未来远景项目高级顾问Fede Ponce以演讲嘉宾的身份出席ECV举办的2019第三届中国自动驾驶汽车国际峰会。他的演讲主题是:未来座舱设计。

他的获奖作品围绕自动驾驶汽车和用户互动。他曾为一些世界领先的汽车品牌工作过:宝马,迷你,长城汽车和约翰迪尔。目前正在为日产和英菲尼迪开发未来的愿景项目。未来设计和战略的愿景。自动驾驶汽车,下一代GUI-HMI集成。高级用户体验和未来技术集成。物联网,Blochain,AI和机器学习。曾作为High Res Hype的创意总监,为洛杉矶和墨西哥的公司和学校提供:艺术指导,团队管理,动画,指导和视觉特效监督。


联系人: Holly

电话:+86 21 8026 0707-819

邮箱:[email protected]


ECV 汽车行业系列峰会已连续举办8年,聚集全球主流车企和供应商,主题涉及智能网联、车联网安全、车内空气质量、新能源汽车、动力总成、人机交互、汽车轻量化、共享出行等,且每年随全球行业新趋势和新政策与时俱进。演讲与参会嘉宾来自于戴姆勒、特斯拉、通用汽车、福特汽车、沃尔沃、博世、法雷奥等标杆企业高管,积累国内外汽车高端客户资源近6万人。ECV汽车致力于为国内外汽车行业决策者提供高品质的学习、交流和资源对接平台。


Fede Ponce as Honored Speaker Attend 3rd Autonomous Vehicle Summit

It is our great honor that we have invited Fede Ponce, Senior executive leading a multi disciplinary group of rebels developing high tech solutions for the micro and macro mobility industry to have a speech on The 3rd China Autonomous Vehicle Summit 2019. His speech topic: Designing the Cockpit of the Future.

His approach is human centered and his award winning work revolves around autonomous vehicles and user interaction. 

He has worked for some of the world's leading brands: BMW, Mini, Great wall motors and John Deere. Currently developing future vision projects for Nissan and Infiniti.

We are looking forward his speech in our summit!

Contact: Holly

Tel:+86 21 8026 0707-819

Email:[email protected]

About ECV Auto Events

ECV Automotive Industry Series Summits have been held for 8 consecutive years, bringing together the world's leading car companies and suppliers, with topics related to intelligent and connected vehicles, vehicular networking security, in-vehicle air quality, new energy vehicles, powertrain, HMI, light weighted vehicles, shared mobility...

Our speakers and participants are from Daimler, Tesla, General Motors, Ford Motor, Volvo, Bosch, Valeo, such as benz marking enterprise executives. The accumulation of high-end worldwide autocustomer resources is nearly 60,000 people. ECV Automobile industry summits are committed to providing high quality learning, communication and resource platform for decision makers from all over the world.

ECV International is a leading organizer and has rich resources all over the world, which can undertake various Salon & Business Conference, Press Conference & Reception, Annual Meetings & Investment Promotion Meeting and other activities.  If you are interested in holding all kinds of industry summit or company activities , we are honored to provide necessary support for you with professional services:

Agenda Design, Invitation of Speakers, Business Development Promotion Plan, Event Operations etc.